Growth Groups
Growth groups are 3-4 people who grow together in faith through: discipleship, prayer and accountability. They meet for about an hour regularly to grow as disciples of Jesus and be honest with each other about the struggles we face and the situations we’re in.
Jesus calls people to follow him and be his disciples – those who learn to think, act, pray, speak and love like him.Growing as disciples is a life-long process.Yet it can be easy, as Christians, to hit ‘cruise control’: to go along in the Christian life without really thinking about where we’re going, and without being intentional about our own spiritual growth, or that of others.The New Testament makes it clear that much spiritual growth happens in community. That’s why Jesus didn’t do separate discipleship programmes for his 12 apostles; they learned discipleship together.Growth Groups are small groups of people who want to be intentional about growing as disciples of Jesus.Jesus also calls us to make disciples, so we’re not just responsible for our own spiritual growth; we are to help others grow as disciples as well. Growth Groups are a great way to help others grow in their discipleship.
Growth Groups are a place where we can be honest with each other about the struggles we face and the situations we’re in. As we listen to each other, we want to respond in prayer.
Prayer is the great power source of Christian growth. When Growth Groups get together, chatting and being honest with each other mustn’t squeeze out time for prayer!
Here are some things you could pray for each other:
pressing concerns you’ve talked about
growth in Christlike character
specific non-Christian friends you are seeking to share Jesus with
choose one of the New Testament prayers and pray them for each other
On occasion, you might find it helpful to read together some promises from the bible about prayer – eg 2 Chronicles 7.14; Psalm 102.17; 145.18; Matthew 18.19-20; John 14.12-14; 16.23-24; Romans 8.26; Ephesians 6.18; Philippians 4.6; Colossians 4.2; Hebrews 4.14-16; 1 John 5.14-16a.
One of the ways we can help each other grow as disciples of Jesus is by giving permission to other people to ask us potentially awkward questions – and giving them honest answers.
As the levels of trust increase between you, the questions can get more searching, and the answers more honest.
Here are some questions you could ask each other:
What do you most want to thank God for this week?
Which relationship are you finding hardest at the moment, and why?
Which of the fruit of the Spirit does God need to work on most in your life at the moment?
What has God been saying to you recently?
What temptations are you finding it hardest to resist at the moment?
How are you stewarding the various gifts God has given you (time, money, talents etc)?
Which spiritual disciplines (eg praying, reading the Bible, fasting) would you like to get better at at the moment?
Questions should be asked in a loving, supportive way. You’re not looking to catch each other out or be judgmental. None of us are perfect. All of us have plenty of room for spiritual growth!
There can be a great freedom in owning up to our struggles honestly, and great encouragement in knowing that through those struggles, others in our Growth Group will walk with us, love us unconditionally, hold us accountable and pray for us.
Who should I be in a Growth Group with?
An ideal size for a Growth Group is three people, ideally of the same sex, but it can be a little larger, or in some circumstances a mixed group.
Pray for wisdom about who to pray with. Be brave – sometimes we can grow more as disciples when we’re with people who aren’t that similar to us! It’s fine to approach people and ask if they’d like to be in a Growth Group with you.
If you don’t know who to ask, please contact the office or chat with people you know and respect in church. We may be able to help work out a suitable group for you.
What ground rules should Growth Groups have?
As you start out as a Growth Group, it’s important to agree ground rules such as:
how long to meet (eg 1 hour)
how often to meet (eg every 1/2/3/4 weeks)
How to share the available time fairly
absolute confidentiality. What is said in the Growth Group stays in the Growth Group except if you think someone is in danger or you have concerns about safeguarding issues. In that case, using discernment, either talk to Rosie Brooks (Safeguarding Officer) or Dan Clark (vicar).