Advent 2023
In all the busyness of December, it's easy to lose track of Jesus - the one whose birth we're preparing to celebrate. To help us all take a few minutes a day to re-focus on Jesus, we've given away lots of advent candles to households in our church community this year. There are 25 names or titles of Jesus from the Bible on it. Why not light the candle with your evening meal, and read the accompanying explanation (download here) of that day's name for Jesus? Let that lead you into prayer.
Something else you can do to help you focus on others is sign up for this daily reflection email from Welcome Churches. That's a group of churches (including us) who aim to be welcoming to people from overseas. Part of the Christmas story is Jesus' exile as a refugee - so this is a particularly appropriate time of year to think about how we can help welcome 'strangers' into our community. Click here to sign up.