Building Review @StJamesbythePark
This page provides a provides links to the recent information regarding review of the church buildings.
The review has been able to make significant progress recently and Nick provided an overview as part of the APCM that we had on 26th April 2021 (the details can be found here).
We have currently engaged architects StudioFour for two stages of work.
The review has been able to make significant progress recently and Nick provided an overview as part of the APCM that we had on 26th April 2021 (the details can be found here).
We have currently engaged architects StudioFour for two stages of work.
- To provide options on how we might be best reconfigure our building estate, based on an architects brief (click here to view) that was produced by PCC and recently amended. This stage has been completed and we are asking for feedback so please read details below.
- The architects will then work with the Buildings Development Group and others within the church to select two configurations, that will be developed further and provide estimated costing for the designs. These will then be reviewed by the PCC and wider church before deciding how to proceed next.
Stage One Information
StudioFour have completed the options following stage one. They have produced five different potential configurations. These can be viewed here along with the current church layout (if you would like to view the plans in a high resolution then these can be found here).
The Buildings Development Group would like to hear your views about the different options, so please complete the feedback form to share your views with us.
If you have any questions then please contact Mark Ketteringham or Paul Lambert.
The Buildings Development Group would like to hear your views about the different options, so please complete the feedback form to share your views with us.
If you have any questions then please contact Mark Ketteringham or Paul Lambert.