Lent prayer guide 2019
For Christians, Lent is the time when we remember the 40 days that Jesus spent in the wilderness, facing challenge and temptation.
It is a time when we reflect on what it means to be a disciple of Jesus, seeking to grow closer to our Father God, and seeking to be godly agents for change in his world.
It is easy to come to God with a shopping list of prayers. Our lent prayer guide contains some suggested prayers that will help us develop a more rounded prayer life, including praise, confession and character formation, and soaking up our identity in Christ. Many of the prayers are based on verses from the Bible – praying Scripture like this can help us know how to pray.
Each day’s prayers are split into three sections which mirror our Up – In – Out relationships. The ‘Out’ section is in the form of a question for reflection, linked to each of our seven mission focus areas in turn. Practical action, done prayerfully, will help us fulfil God’s purpose for our life.
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If you would like to download the booklet to use on a kindle or other e-reader, please click here.
It is a time when we reflect on what it means to be a disciple of Jesus, seeking to grow closer to our Father God, and seeking to be godly agents for change in his world.
It is easy to come to God with a shopping list of prayers. Our lent prayer guide contains some suggested prayers that will help us develop a more rounded prayer life, including praise, confession and character formation, and soaking up our identity in Christ. Many of the prayers are based on verses from the Bible – praying Scripture like this can help us know how to pray.
Each day’s prayers are split into three sections which mirror our Up – In – Out relationships. The ‘Out’ section is in the form of a question for reflection, linked to each of our seven mission focus areas in turn. Practical action, done prayerfully, will help us fulfil God’s purpose for our life.
If you would like to sign up to receive the prayer guide as a daily email, fill in your email address below and click 'subscribe'.
If you would like to download the booklet to use on a kindle or other e-reader, please click here.
How can I find time to pray?
Every Christian should make time each day to cultivate their relationship with God, especially through prayer and reading the Bible. That might be five minutes snatched over lunch at work or whilst feeding a baby; or 20 minutes whilst commuting; or 40 minutes before others get up. It will vary as our life circumstances change.
We will rarely find the time to pray. But if we are intentional about deepening our friendship with God, we will make the time to pray.
How should I structure a prayer time?
If you haven’t got a regular pattern of prayer at the moment, here’s some tips:
* Find a good place – ideally somewhere you won’t be interrupted.
* Try to still your mind. Offer your anxieties to God.
* Dedicate the next 5/20/40 minutes to him. Ask him to lead and guide you.
* Use the prayers for the day from this booklet.
* If you have time, read a passage of Scripture (eg a psalm or an episode from the gospels) and turn it into your own prayer.
* Pause before you finish, asking God to speak to you in the quietness.
Many of the prayers in the prayer guide come from “Face to Face volume 1 and 2” by Kenneth Boa, published by Zondervan.
Every Christian should make time each day to cultivate their relationship with God, especially through prayer and reading the Bible. That might be five minutes snatched over lunch at work or whilst feeding a baby; or 20 minutes whilst commuting; or 40 minutes before others get up. It will vary as our life circumstances change.
We will rarely find the time to pray. But if we are intentional about deepening our friendship with God, we will make the time to pray.
How should I structure a prayer time?
If you haven’t got a regular pattern of prayer at the moment, here’s some tips:
* Find a good place – ideally somewhere you won’t be interrupted.
* Try to still your mind. Offer your anxieties to God.
* Dedicate the next 5/20/40 minutes to him. Ask him to lead and guide you.
* Use the prayers for the day from this booklet.
* If you have time, read a passage of Scripture (eg a psalm or an episode from the gospels) and turn it into your own prayer.
* Pause before you finish, asking God to speak to you in the quietness.
Many of the prayers in the prayer guide come from “Face to Face volume 1 and 2” by Kenneth Boa, published by Zondervan.