We have designated Autumn 2020 as a season of LISTENing.
Click on the introduction to LISTEN' video to find out more, or watch the various videos of people sharing their own experiences of listening to God. There are also some videos and resources to help you listen to God yourself, or you can download a sheet of suggestions to help you listen to God.
Then do make your own contributions via the jottings board further down this page.
Click on the introduction to LISTEN' video to find out more, or watch the various videos of people sharing their own experiences of listening to God. There are also some videos and resources to help you listen to God yourself, or you can download a sheet of suggestions to help you listen to God.
Then do make your own contributions via the jottings board further down this page.
We'd love everyone to contribute to this listening process in the box below.
You can scroll left and right through the L.I.S.T.E.N. columns, and scroll up and down within the columns.
To add something, click the '+' button in the relevant comment. Give your contribution a brief title and add some details. You can also upload a picture or other file, link to a website etc. Then just click outside the box, and it's saved for all to see.
You can also comment on other people's contributions, or give them a thumbs up or down.
It's helpful if you can add your name as well (by writing your name in).
You can scroll left and right through the L.I.S.T.E.N. columns, and scroll up and down within the columns.
To add something, click the '+' button in the relevant comment. Give your contribution a brief title and add some details. You can also upload a picture or other file, link to a website etc. Then just click outside the box, and it's saved for all to see.
You can also comment on other people's contributions, or give them a thumbs up or down.
It's helpful if you can add your name as well (by writing your name in).